Administrator Guide 2017
Create list
The list of lists where additions, deletions, tagging and amending takes place.

The list of lists where additions, deletions, tagging and amending takes place.

Lists are a general purpose mechanism for populating drop-down lists and multiple-choice options and are fundamental to getting the best from magic5.

Each list contains of a number of entries.  This might be just two or three such as yes/no or yes/no/not applicable, or it may be an entire catalogue of products.  Lists have a wide-range of uses such as products, hazard ratings, support call categories and much more.  Some lists are shipped as standard with magic5.

Select Lists from the Setup/Maintenance menu and the initial view will show existing lists. Click on a list to edit it or right click to delete.

Examples of multiple choice and drop-down lists on a device

Examples of multiple choice and drop-down lists on a device

Add list

Click on the Add list button to create a new list.

This will open the list creation screens for details to be added as below.

Lists can be deleted or modified even after they have been saved.
Add a new list.

Add a new list.

*Description A descriptive text to identify this item.  This may or may not be displayed on the report, job or device so be aware of how it may look to a customer or user.  It will also be the way in which the item to which it is attached will be identified within a list, both for setup/maintenance and when selected on a device or report list, so it will need to be specific.  For instance, it may be useful to use a date to differentiate between an old and a new version, or to use a location or customer name if a form or action is used solely for that purpose.
Entering list details.

Entering list details.

Additional Attributes for list entries (Advanced)

It is possible to assign an attribute to a list so that entries will operate in a particular way on the device.  This usually results in additional prompts being added to the list entry screen.  Standard attributes include the following, but it may be possible to add bespoke items.  They can also be used as variables in reports and other output documents and more than one can be selected for a single list.

Part number used for stock, ordering and invoicing
Service info used for stock, ordering and invoicing
Sales code used for stock, ordering and invoicing
Stock code used for stock, ordering and invoicing
Buy in cost used for stock, ordering and invoicing
Charge out cost used for stock, ordering and invoicing
On hand used for stock management
Stock list type used for stock management
Stocklist sub-type used for stock management
Make item identification
Model item identification
Serial number item identification
Hoist make item identification
Hoist model item identification
Hoist serial number item identification
Procedure risk calculation
Risk Rating - probability risk calculation
Risk Rating - severity risk calculation
Risk Rating - risk risk calculation
Residual Risk - probability risk calculation
Residual Risk - severity risk calculation
Residual Risk - risk risk calculation
Control Measures risk calculation
Hazard 1 risk calculation
Hazard 2 risk calculation
Associated image or document often used to display crosses & ticks, smiley/frowny faces, thumbs up or down
Text of e-mail useful for automated e-mails
Value to use a generic attribute that can be used for calculating weighted totals
VAT rate (%) used for invoicing
VAT code used for invoicing
Code assembly and class (advanced) industry specific
Expanded text primarily for creating text snippets that can be attached to various text entry areas to speed up entry of standard phrases.
Number of header lines to ignore is used for importing job data from a spreadsheet (see how-to guide)
Spreadsheet columns unique names is used for importing job data from a spreadsheet (see how-to guide)
Primary key specifications is used for importing job data from a spreadsheet (see how-to guide)
Import unallocated jobs is used for importing job data from a spreadsheet (see how-to guide)
User key specifications is used for importing job data from a spreadsheet (see how-to guide)
Date key specifications is used for importing job data from a spreadsheet (see how-to guide)
Metres per pixel is used to calibrate the scale of a drawing for calculating measurements in drawing locations
Colour enables the colour palette attribute for use with, for example, Item Type - Drawing location tool pen colour options
Template file name enables uploading a Word document for outputting a report in Word/PDF format
Text on button creates a list-entry prompt for button text to accompany the Word template entered above
Additional settings creates a list-entry prompt for additional parameters in Word document output (eg. Word version, PDF format, etc)

Attributes for the list.

Attributes for the list.

Import from spreadsheet

It is possible to use a spreadsheet that has been created with data items to populate a list. With large lists this is much easier than filling in the above over and over again. It requires a specifically formatted spreadsheet - download a template.

You will notice that there are comments attached to the top row. As well as giving tips on what is required in a column, each one is identified as mandatory or optional. It is not possible to validate at the moment so please check carefully before importing as it can be time consuming to undo/redo.

Once your spreadsheet has been populated, click on this button and you will be asked to Add attachment by browsing the files on your computer.
Use this button to import your spreadsheet when it is ready.

Use this button to import your spreadsheet when it is ready.

Create list tag

Setting up a tag can be very useful for identifying particular types of list within a large list (of lists). Clicking on this button brings up a one-prompt box into which you enter a single line of text to identify the tag. This will then appear in your list of lists and you can tick to allocate the tag to specific customers and subsequently filter the list.
Setting up a tag

Setting up a tag

click for a larger view of using tags

click for a larger view of using tags

See Also